Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Rule Of Thirds

The rule of thirds is usually something photographers use but can be a methood for artists as well, You take your image (or the thing you wish to draw) snd break it don into thirds vertically and horizontally. You can use the lines to make Points Of Interest to put the focus on certain parts of your piece. You have to place them at the intrsections of the lines though, otherwise the focus can be lost. The rule of thirds include leading lines and compostion. The leading lines are the lines in an image that help lead your eyes. Any type of line could be used as a leading line, it has to work with the rule of thirds though. Finally Composition this is the element and light sorce of yur piece. You add this to give your peice more detail and its therefore more interesting to look at and observ for anyone.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Illusion of Space 2

Its basically decided, the Illusion of space in a drawing is making a 2D artwork look 3D by adding up bigger images in the front while adding smaller images in the backround. This gives the picture the illusion that its popping out of the paper. In this art of mine She is stepping out of the painting onto the boys back, using him as a stepping stool. it shows on her legs the illusion, one is still in the painting while the other is fully out. Her dress also shows the illusion the same way by some of it in the painting then some of it out of the painting as she is stepping out.

My Favorite Artwork

Learning how to actually draw something right was difficult, along with all the shading, details, poses, etc. So I am very proud of this Artwork of mine, its my favorite one so far because it was one of my first projects in this class as well as the best I believe. Its really exciting seeing it all..cool like. Mostly because I love drawing Anime/Manga characters and to be able to draw them more correctly than before just makes me the happiest person ever! No kidding. My favorite piece of art this Semester as of so far. Nothing can change that!

my Favorite Artist

Out of all of the Artists out there I would have to say Norhiro Yagi is my absolute favorite. Her Artwork is outstanding! She adds every little detail, her skills at drawing monsters is the best ive seen a manga artist draw. Her drawing scale is huge. She can go from Humans, to Animals, to half human half monster, to full on monster. The fight scenes she draws are great too! She adds so much detail you can tell were everything is and where she is going with it. Which is really cool I think.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

illusion of space

The Illusion of space I think is the dimensions of your drawing. Making it look like its popping out of the paper, almost like you can touch it. Its how you make the length, width and depth of the drawing to give it those effects, it makes an art piece more exciting if you give it the illusion that its coming at you. In a more specific description, you take regular 2D art and give it the 3D effect. I don't think its something that can be done easily, but it is most defanitly an amazing way to make art.